MUCK HUNTERS - Last updated June 11, 2004

The purple rocks are mucklets. More about mucklets on "The Mucklet Page"!

     What is a Muck????
Mucks are purple, gooey blobs. They are extremely dangerous! There are 4 different kinds of mucks and all of them love the snow. The first kind is a landmuck which obviously lives on the land. They are the least dangerous kind of muck. Then there are the watermucks, they live in the water and they hunt at dusk. They only leave the water to hunt. They are the 2nd most dangerous kind of muck.
The kind of muck that was most recently discovered is the GroundMuck. GroundMucks dig tunnels in the ground and into trees and plants. They eat chlorophyl.
The Last is the SkyMuck and they are the most dangerous kind of muck, they take the form of their last victim. These are all the kinds of mucks.  Find out more about mucks in Muck History!

What is a Muck Hunter?!?
A muck hunter is a person who hunts for mucks. It is a very dangerous job. They hunt for mucks and research them. They Try to find ways to keep people safe, because mucks are very dangerous.

B.t going through earth's atmosphere
Mucks came to earth on the b.t! Find out more in muck history!

The Levels of Mucks Hunters
There are different levels of muck hunters. In order to finish one level you must get 5 stars. You get stars by doing good things to protect people from mucks. If you are an expert you have to get 8 stars to become a master. A master is the highest level, and there are 8 levels. Eight is the lucky number for muck hunters.
  1. Beginner
  2. Junior
  3. Novice
  4. Novice 2
  5. Intermediate
  6. Advanced
  7. Expert
  8. Master 

Muck History


The Mucklet Page

What if I see a MUCK?!?!?

Different Kinds of Mucks

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