MUCK HUNTERS - Last updated June 11, 2004


Different Kinds of Mucks

Landmucks, Watermucks and Skymucks

Enter content here WaterMucks Hunt at Dusk

Watermucks live in the water. They come out of the water only to hunt. They hunt at night, THEY ARE THE 2ND MOST DANGEROUS KIND OF MUCK! SO WATCH OUT!

Can a muck be in these leaves?!¿!?
Muck or not?!?!

Landmucks are the least dangerous kind of mucks, but the most  common so always be on guard. They often burrow under snow and jump out at their prey, such as YOU!

The Skymuck takes the form of the last living thing it ate, For example if they ate a goose they would take the form of the goose. Because of the fact that skymucks are invisible (unless they eat something) we cannot give you a picture :*( 
Skymucks are the most dangerous kind of muck. WATCH OUT!!